Dun Laoghaire Community Training Centre provides education and training programmes for Early School leavers. The Centre has been in existence since 1986 and as well as providing fully accredited QQI training programmes, it offers support, guidance and a range of services for Early School leavers.
This website will provide you with information on the courses run from here along with other relevant information. We trust you will find it useful, but feel free to call to the centre, phone or email us with queries and we will get back to you.
Recruitment for courses goes on throughout the year so feel free to apply at any stage and someone will get back to you to let you know the stages to go through to complete the process as well as advising you of a start date.
Funding for Dun Laoghaire Community Training Centre comes from Dublin Dun Laoghaire Education Training Board.
QQI Level 3 and Level 4 programmes are on offer. These are fully accredited qualifications and have equivalence with the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate. On completion of the QQI Level 4 programme, entry to PLC is possible. This qualification is also the entry standard for Apprenticeship.
All courses have mandatory subjects: Communications, Maths, IT, Personal effectiveness.
On top of these Learners choose one of the following course areas:
Hair and Beauty course – VTCT Diploma (equivalent to QQI Level 4). This programme does not have a requirement for the mandatory modules as above, but is a very practically based, hands on course leading to an industry recognised qualification.
If you would like to do a Level 4 course but, have not yet completed a Level 3 programme, you can consider coming to complete the Level 3 course first and then progress to Level 4